movie poster
In this project we recreated a poster from a movie in photoshop. I ran out of time to choose a good one so I picked Fight Club. The...
hey chat app design
I designed a composition for a chat app called Hey Chat. I made the title screen, the login, the user interface, and the group screen. I...
moodboard for logo design
We designed a logo for a company we chose. I chose an IT company called Singto which is Thai for lion, lions are a symbol of courage and...
Retro Travel Poster
We created a travel poster for a state to highlight something exotic about it, much like real life travel posters. I chose Nebraska...
Triple color exposure
Using 3 photos of myself in different poses, I created a triple color exposure effect in Photoshop. I made the photos transparent,...
Alter Ego Poster
This project focused on two different personalities using the same subject. For this I went with a street pianist and a businessman as a...